
Dedicated and frequent advocatefor people's need

Council Function and Power

The 66 elected City Councilors of the New Taipei City Council uphold the philosophy of "diversity, communication, internationalism" to co-create with their constituents a prosperous, livable, and international New Taipei City.


Council Function and Power

1.Resolving city regulations and laws.
2.Resolving city budget.
3.Resolving city special taxation, temporary taxation and additional tax.
4.Resolving disposition of city properties.
5.Resolving Ordinances Governing City Government Organization
6.Self-Government and Affiliated Business Organization Self-Government.
7.Resolving City Government proposals.
8.Reviewing City’s final accounting review report.
9.Resolving councilor’s proposals.
10.Accepting people’s petition.
11.Functions and power conferred by laws and superior regulations.


Session Operations

The Council will call for routine meeting or temporary meeting discuss key municipal issues. The councilors shall exercise interrogation, proposal and review functions to reach consensus and make decision through public and rational discussions in addition to supervising the city government with active execution.



The routine meeting will be called once in every 6 months with each session no more than 70 days. The council may call for temporary meeting to cope with the request from the City Mayor, Speaker or one-third of the councilors. The session may not exceed 10 days and the meeting shall not be called for more than 8 times in every 12 months.


The councilors shall propose interrogation on the policy implementation and policy guidelines to the City Government by asking the City Mayor, Level-1 Department Supervisors and Level-1 Agency Heads in addition to proposing suggestions of city infrastructure and reforms for the City Government to follow.


The source of the maters to be discussed by the councilors at the meeting is divided into: Councilors proposal, City Government proposal and People’s petition. The processing procedure is divided into the general proposal that does not require three reading procedures and the city regulations and budgets that require three reading before completing the legal procedure.


The councilors will submit to the procedural review committee after receiving the councilors proposal, city government proposal or people’s petition. Namely the council will propose procedural review committee for review and then based on the proposition quality, three reading procedures, or submission to relevant review committee submit to the assembly for discussion into resolution and submission to the City Government for execution.


The City Council will make resolutions according to the function and power while the City Government shall execute according to the case results. In case the execution is difficulty to carry out, describe the reasons and submit to the Council for secondary review in 30 days from the resolution arriving to the City Government. The original resolution will be retained when two thirds of councilors attend the secondary review and the government shall accept the resolution. The execution of the City Government on resolution shall be reported at the routine .

Proposition Processing Procedure


