
New Taipei City Council Electorate Precinct Overview

New Taipei City is comprised of 29 administrative districts, which are clustered into 12 constituencies (electoral districts). It is the municipality with the largest electorate and the largest number of councilors in the country. On 24 November 2018, elections of local public officials in Taiwan were held at the same time as several national referendums. 121 candidates for the New Taipei City Council competed for 66 seats. The Kuomintang won 33 seats, the DPP won 25 seats, the Non-Partisan Solidarity Union won 2 seats, and independent candidates won 6 seats. 15 councilors were elected for the first time, and 51 councilors were elected for a second or greater term in office. 40 City Councilors were male and 26 female. On December 25 of the same year, the inauguration ceremony was held, during which Chiang Ken-Huang and Chen Hung-yuan were elected Speaker and Deputy Speaker, respectively, and the Third Session of the New Taipei City Council was formally opened.

Overview of the Third Sesion of the New Taipei City Council


New Taipei City Council Electorate Precinct maps


